Fortunately, scales exist, and the weights of coins are included in good books such as the ones shown below. You may need to convert units from grams to ounces or from ounces to grams.
A Guidebook of United States Coins 2014: The Official Red Book
2014 North American Coins & Prices: A Guide to U.S., Canadian and Mexican Coins (North American Coins and Prices)
Many people know these books can be used for prices, but the weights and dimensions of coins are also important.
So, what if you are going to a coin show, how do you weigh a coin? Bring a small scale with you. And this will keep you from paying for the wrong amount of a precious metal coin. Use a ;arger scale at home.
American Weigh Signature Series Black AWS-100-BLK Digital Pocket Scale, 1000 by 0.01 G
Home Coin Scale, x 0.1 Pennyweight, Ounce Weighing Balance
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