
Friday, July 5, 2013

Colonial Coinage

At the time of the founding of the United States of America no United States official United States small coins existed, nor had any existed, nor had an been authorized. This was a time when coins were actually made of metal that had a value equal to the amount of metal it contained. So, official coinage was less of a problem then it would be in modern times.

 Many copper pieces were produced by the now united colonies. The Confeseratio Coppers, the Nova Constellatio Patterns, and the Immune Columbia Pieces came about as a suitable quantity and design of coinage brought about change. Individual colonies produced their own copper coins. Unified money, along with denominations universally accepted in a single nation left no choice but to eventually have the United States mint official coinage authorized by Congress.

 Today, numismatists can collect the coins from before United States official coinage, including coins from the colonies after the revolution, coins from before the revolution, many of which were company coins, and pattern pieces.

 In 1803, the Louisiana Purchase brought a large part of the current country into the nation. Of course French made coins circulated in Louisiana while it was a French colony. So, a complete collection might well include the coins used in the French owned Louisiana.

Black Spaniel Gallery

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