If you collect ancient coins it would be natural that you would have a reference book. But, just like modern coins, there are simply too many to include in a single volume. First, you must decide which coins are of interest, ancient Roman Provincial, Ancient Roman Imperial, Ancient Greek, Ancient Chinese, ancient Celtic, or others.
And, if you collect a wide range, consider a group of books, each with a different focus.
Handbook of Ancient Greek and Roman Coins: An Official Whitman Guidebook

Ancient Coin Collecting (v. I)

Ancient Coin Collecting IV: Roman Provincial Coins (v. 4)

Ancient Coin Collecting VI: Non-Classical Cultures (v. 6)


Ancient 'Coin of Mithradates the Great 120-63 BC'

Ancient Coin Collecting III: The Roman World Politics and Propaganda (v. 3)

ANCIENT Biblical Coin of The Magi,Bronze, 35 BC-5 AD Lot a 59