
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mints Should All Understand their Numismatic Customers. Some Do! We Recommend Australia (both mints discussed) and Canada

                 Some mints understand that numismatic customers are important, and produce a multitude of high quality coins that cater to the collectors’ needs.  This is especially true of the mints in Australia and Canada.

The mints of Australia add to the collectors’ delight by making available different coins.   The oldest mint of Australia, the Perth Mint, concentrates on a multitude of collectable coins.  One can literally spend hours in their online gift shop and still want to reenter it and look at those coins not yet viewed.  To assist our readers, we provide direct links to the Perth Mint’s gift shop.  Shopping is easy, and shipping to the United States is quite reasonable.  We do recommend purchasing several coins at once, which makes the shipping per coin fee even lower.  Monetary conversion is a service of most credit cards, and adds just a small percentage, for us it is about 1%, to the cost.  Their site is United States customer friendly with the price showing in both the Australian dollar and the United States dollar.  The Australian price remains fixed, while the United states dollar value changes with the monetary exchange rate.  It does take a couple of days for an order to be completed, so your final price in United States dollars may not be quite what you see initially, but sometimes it is actually better.

The Perth Mint offers a number of themed coins, and these themes seem to run three years.  This makes collecting an entire set easy, and closes a set so you know it is complete in a reasonable amount of time.  Perth does sell backdated coins provided they are still available.  This makes catching up in a theme you like easier than having to rely on a secondary market.  This year the new Dreaming Series has been launched, and you can find our what is coming over the next two years.  Perth is truly a customer friendly mint.  Click our fast access link and see for yourself!

The Royal Australian Mint offers Australian coins, but not those exclusive to the Perth Mint.  However, they have unique coins to offer.  The shipping is a minimum of about $20 United States dollars at the time this is being written, or thirty Australian dollars, which well exceeds the shipping for one coin by Perth.  A typical coin from Perth is $7 - $8 for shipping and about $2 - $3 for a second coin, and so on.  We recommend a purchase of at least six coins at a time from the Royal Australian Mint.  Their online store only shows Australian prices, so you need to do the conversions.  We do have a link to a monetary conversion site which will give you conversion rates free on our Australian page.  Just click the button on the left when you wish to go there.  One nice feature of the Royal Australian Mint’s offerings is the fact that they have $5 silver coins that have 1 & 1/7 troy ounces of fine silver.  The idea the coin has more than a troy ounce is a plus, especially with today’s metal market.  Another coin that is highly desirable is the silver kangaroo.

The Royal Canadian Mint also understands the value of variety.  The Royal Canadian Mint makes many high quality coins.  Their colorized Maple Leaf, Hologram $20 silver coins, and gem encrusted silver snowflakes are particularly desirable.  Their holograms are offered in themes.  Their multitude of coins available to numismatic collectors merits our strong recommendation.  The one thing we do not understand is why the 2006 Wolf was not continued.

                 We recommend you  peruse all three online stores yourself.  Then you will have the same problem we have, deciding which of these beautiful coins to acquire.

                 There are other mints, but these three seem to provide such a wide range of interesting coins that it is easy to get into their online stores and browse for hours.
This article is being made available from Black Spaniel Gallery at http://blackspanielgallery.comby the author.  Links to major English speaking mints are available at Black Spaniel Gallery.

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